Criticism: Goldman Sachs’s boss David Solomon

Criticism: Goldman Sachs’s boss David Solomon

He may be a master of the universe and was paid £20m last year but, Goldman Sachs’s boss has admitted that he was still upset by a headline in which he was described as a ‘jerk’.

Questions have swirled around David Solomon’s leadership amid the Wall Street giant’s ill-fated flirtation with consumer banking.

And Solomon, 61, revealed to the FT global banking summit that while he was focused on the business he could not help but take umbrage at a headline in New York Magazine which ran ‘Is David Solomon Too Big a Jerk to Run Goldman Sachs?’

‘I’m a human being – nobody likes to be called names in a newspaper,’ he said.

Some of the criticism has centred on his hobby of performing as a DJ under the stage name D-SOL – something he has given up doing publicly.

Solomon insisted that despite reported sniping at his leadership ‘broadly speaking morale at the firm is pretty good’.

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