How hard is too hard? It’s been a challenge for quizmasters through the ages.

Make questions too easy and you’re at risk of operating a lottery rather than a game of skill. Extreme and arbitrary difficulty can trigger CFA Level III PTSD, while if the challenge is too uneven it enters Bridge of Death territory. No one wants that.

Recent FT Alphaville Friday chart quizzes have been very difficult indeed. Today’s tries to be a tad more forgiving — though you’ll still need to be some kind of Terminal-addicted nerdo to correctly label all three:

Line chart of $tn showing Chart 1
Line chart of pence showing Chart 2
Line chart of  showing Chart 3

Email us your guesses by sunrise Monday, London time, with “QUIZ” in the subject line. Don’t worry about exact tickers or NAPCS codes or whatever, just say generally what’s going on. We’ll draw one correct entry at random for the prize of an FT Alphaville exclusive, not-available-in-the-shops-except-sometimes-Oxfam “I ❤️ Charts” t-shirt.

Good luck, we’re all counting on you.

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