Why is the pop­u­lar man­tra, con­stantly cheered on by the press, that tax cuts are good (“Hunt to gain extra head­way for tax cuts”, Report, Janu­ary 20)?

What is cur­rently des­per­ately needed is more invest­ment in our pub­lic ser­vices. That would be of much more bene­fit to us “ordin­ary people” than a few extra pounds in our pock­ets while we walk past closed lib­rar­ies and run­down parks, while we can’t get doc­tor or dent­ist appoint­ments, and our chil­dren’s schools have to sack teach­ing assist­ants.

Besides, it is known that pub­lic invest­ment drives growth.

Michael Miller
Shef­field, South York­shire, UK

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