Hav­ing read Pil­ita Clark’s art­icle on jet lag, read­ers will be pleased to know there is a much more basic solu­tion at hand (Busi­ness Life, Janu­ary 29).

Align­ing with your nor­mal sleep time on arrival at your end des­tin­a­tion is a huge factor. For instance, there should be no jet lag trav­el­ling from the east­ern US to Europe in the early morn­ing as you arrive in the late even­ing and you can rep­lic­ate your nor­mal sleep pat­tern, ditto if you fly from Lon­don to east Asia at night.

The bar­rier to this approach is that people like to max­im­ise their time in their des­tin­a­tion, albeit for a few hours; but, to avoid a zom­bi­fied sev­eral days after, we should learn to take the hit. We don’t need an app to tell us when to go to bed, just a watch!

Milo Brett
Lon­don N15, UK

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