Cash dollar bills and stock market indicators

Javier Ghersi/Moment via Getty Images

The “January effect” continues into 2024, as fallen angels outperformed broad high yield; real estate exposure in the Index grows as the sector continues to struggle.

The positive momentum gained by fallen angels (as represented

Fallen Angels Broad HY
12/31/23 1/31/24 12/31/23 1/31/24
Yield to Worst 6.99 6.96 7.69 7.84
Effective Duration 5.41 5.43 3.31 3.33
Full Market Value ($mn) 67,821 67,726 1,237,721 1,245,514
OAS 285 283 339 359
No. of Issues 143 143 1,837 1,847

Month-end Addition Name Rating Sector Industry % Mkt Value Price
January Hudson Pacific Properties LP BB1 Real Estate REITs 2.18 88.05

Wgt (%) OAS Price Total Return (%)
12/31/23 1/31/24 12/31/23 1/31/24 12/31/23 1/31/24 MTD
Banking 4.79 4.47 231 217 97.91 99.24 1.71
Basic Industry 1.70 1.73 171 151 97.24 98.06 1.23
Capital Goods 5.85 5.80 200 227 97.34 96.20 -0.72
Consumer Goods 4.33 4.28 230 284 94.29 92.59 -1.29
Energy 14.75 14.17 259 260 92.49 92.37 0.62
Financial Services 1.14 1.08 378 416 86.41 84.44 -1.72
Healthcare 4.10 4.16 270 247 88.73 89.43 1.26
Insurance 1.32 1.35 323 270 94.10 96.46 3.00
Leisure 7.90 8.00 228 205 93.21 93.98 1.20
Real Estate 9.07 10.73 675 575 82.72 83.95 1.75
Retail 14.38 14.41 242 230 86.39 87.10 1.14
Services 0.64 0.64 243 219 94.78 95.80 1.50
Technology & Electronics 6.22 5.50 194 220 94.14 92.81 -0.32
Telecommunications 13.00 12.96 366 370 92.22 91.68 0.03
Transportation 2.09 2.10 209 210 94.92 94.86 0.36
Utility 8.71 8.63 139 146 92.18 91.72 -0.13
Total 100 100 285 283 91.20 91.10 0.58

Wgt (%) OAS Price Total Return (%)
12/31/23 1/31/24 12/31/23 1/31/24 12/31/23 1/31/24 MTD
BB 80.55 80.55 219 221 92.44 92.34 0.61
B 13.43 13.42 317 318 96.46 96.31 0.37
CCC 5.44 6.04 1,130 1,022 69.40 70.01 0.42
CC 0.58 809 76.82 2.47
Total 100 100 285 283 91.20 91.10 0.58

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