art deco American eagle on Federal Building, New York

NNehring/iStock via Getty Images

I’ve been buying Eagle Point Credit’s Series D Preferreds (NYSE:ECC.PR.D) since the tail end of 2023. This has come in response to the continued weakness of preferreds whose sensitivity to higher base rates from positive

Preferred / Baby Bond Series Discount/Premium to liquidation price ($25) Annual Coupon Yield on cost % Maturity Date
6.50% Series C Preferreds due 2031 (ECCC) -12.8% ($21.80) $1.625 7.45% 6/30/2031
6.75% Series D Preferreds (ECC.PR.D) -19.2% ($20.20) $1.6875 8.36% n/a
5.375% Notes due 2029 (NYSE:ECCV) -10.24% ($22.44) $1.34375 5.99% 1/31/2029
6.75% Notes due 2031 (NYSE:ECCW) -3.64% ($24.09) $1.6875 7.01% 3/31/2031
6.6875% Notes due 2028 (NYSE:ECCX) -2.8% ($24.40) $1.67 6.88% 4/30/2028

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