Britain faces some tough choices if the state pension is to remain fair with increases in the state pension age and removal of the triple lock options to address the UK’s ageing population, an expert has said.

An impending wave of retiring baby boomers is expected to push up by billions of pounds the cost to the Government of the state pension this decade.

Increasing the state pension age from 66 to 67 by 2028 will help keep the cost under control, but the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) estimates overall spending on the state pension will still rise £23billion higher in 2027-28 compared to its level at the start of the decade, piling mor pressure on the public purse.

The number of people reaching state pension age is forecast to hit a record 800,000 in 2028.

There were about 30 pensioners for every 100 working people in 2020, but this has since risen to 32 and is expected to reach 35 before the end of the decade.

One pound in every £8 spent by the Government goes towards the state pension, with this projected to rise to be £1 in every £6 in 50 years’ time.

If the Government wants to rein in its state pension spending, it can either make people wait longer to claim it or make it less generous.

In the past, increased longevity meant raising the state pension age was a silver bullet helping defuse the UK’s demographic timebomb, but the UK now faces a falling birth rate and decreased life expectancy.

John Cridland, author of a 2017 report about when the state pension age should rise from 67 to 68, said making sure the state pension remains fair will involve tough choices.

He told the Telegraph within the next decade, if Britain wants to start putting in place a plan to constrain cost increases without having to rob the health or education budgets or put up taxes, the next logical thing to do after deciding when the state pension age goes up, would be to remove the triple lock.

The triple lock was introduced by the 2010 coalition government led by former Prime Minister David Camerson. It ensures payments to pensioners rise by 2.5 percent, inflation or earnings growth – whichever is the highest.

Brought in by the Conservatives, Labour has signalled it would stand by the policy, with Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves saying stability and certainty that pensioners’ fixed incomes are protected is important.

Pensions minister Paul Maynard has said the state pension is a safety net for millions, insisting he wants to see it remain the foundation of retirement income for future generations.

However, others question it, with former Work and Pensions Secretary Peter Lilley saying the triple lock is unsustainable in the long term. Lord Turnbull told the Telegraph the policy is “daft” but “terrifically difficult” to get rid of.

With both main parties appearing to back the triple lock, a Government of whatever stripe will want to boost the number of working people to help pay the state pension bill.

But that would involve bringing down the level of working age people who are economically inactive, which has risen to 9.3 million, equivalent to almost 22 percent of those aged 16 to 64.

An older population will also mean more demand on health spending, which is set to increase to 15 percent of GDP.

By 2070, Britain’s population of pensioners is set to rise from 12 million today to 17 million by 2070.

But with life expectancy slowing since 2011, the days of people spending a third of their lives in retirement may be long gone, with UK life expectancy estimated at 78.6 years for men and 82.6 years for women, according to the Office for National Statistics.

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