Regarding Gideon Rachman’s column “Why I still believe in America” (Opinion, January 9), Donald Trump’s crusade of retribution and revenge is ultimately supported by American citizens who fear the left.

If Trump manages to be re-elected, it will be largely in reaction to the cultural inroads made by the “woke” or progressive agenda under President Joe Biden. And, from all appearances, the progressives are fine with this. They realise that if you only achieve 20 per cent of your goal, it still advances the ball that much closer towards the goalpost.

Progressives play the long game. Eventually, the electorate becomes disgusted with conservative shenanigans and swings the election pendulum back to the left. So, little by little, progressives win; it just may take longer than they wish. However, do not be surprised when the Iowan voters in this week’s Republican caucus react negatively to having “enlightened” ideals crammed down their throat.

Ted Gaffney
Waterford, CT, US

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