• £2 Lord Kitchener ‘error’ coin minted in 2014 set to fetch £800 at auction
  • The coin is missing the £2 denomination on the obverse, making it ‘ultra rare’
  • Other coins under the hammer include the 2009 50p Kew Gardens coin

Worth a mint: A £2 Lord Kitchener coin minted in 2014 is set to fetch as much as £800 at an auction on Wednesday

Worth a mint: A £2 Lord Kitchener coin minted in 2014 is set to fetch as much as £800 at an auction on Wednesday

A £2 Lord Kitchener coin minted in 2014 is set to fetch up to £800 at an auction on Wednesday.

The coin is missing the words ‘Two Pounds’ on the reverse, an ultra rare error which has been authenticated by the Royal Mint.

This £2 coin was issued in 2014 to mark 100 years since the outbreak of the First World War. 

It features a ‘Your Country Needs You’ recruiting poster with an image of Field Marshall Kitchener on the obverse.

There were 5,720,000 of these coins that entered circulation, meaning it could be quite easy to stumble across one in your change.

Without the error, the coin is not particularly significant. 

However, a small unknown number of the coins could have entered circulation without the ‘Two Pounds’ denomination on the reverse, meaning the hunt is on for more to be discovered. 

There have only been two reports of these ‘error’ coins being found in circulation according to Change Checker. 

Lockdales Auctioneers officiated the sale of one back in March 2020 to the value of £500.

Now, one of these coins is expected to fetch between £600 to £800 at the Coin & Medal Sale at the RBW Auction being held from 10am on Wednesday 14 February. 

2009 50p Kew Gardens coin

Also noteworthy at the auction are three fabled 2009 Kew Gardens 50p coins up for grabs at the auction.

The Kew Gardens 50p is one of the most coveted coins, due to its scarcity in circulation and as a commemorative coin. It ranks number one on Change Checker’s 50p scarcity index.  

A fabled 50p Kew Gardens coin could sell for £120 at auction on Wednesday

A fabled 50p Kew Gardens coin could sell for £120 at auction on Wednesday

With just 210,000 minted in 2009, these coins can sell north of £150 and as such, the majority have been hoovered out of circulation and are in the hand of collectors. 

The most interesting at the auction is a circulating version with an estimate of between £80-£120.

Two others are uncirculated versions. One has a mintage of 10,000 and has an estimate of £100-150, and the other had a mintage of 50,000, with an estimate of £80-£120.  Both come in a special presentation pack.

The coin features a design by Christopher Le Brun on the obverse celebrating the Royal Botanical Gardena, depicting the pagoda at Kew with a decorative vine twining in and around the tower and with the years ‘1759’ and 2002′ either side of the word ‘Kew’.

This coin was first released in 2009 to celebrate 250 years of the iconic West London landmark.

1990 20p error coin  

A 1990 error 20p coin struck on a bronze 1p blank could fetch as much as £300 at the auction. 

It comes with a signed letter from the Information and Research Manager at The Royal Mint Museum which confirms the details of this rare error coin. 

It reads: ‘The piece is of the incorrect composition for a twenty pence piece, underweight, and features slightly rounded edges consistent with the blank being unsuitable in size for the collar in which it was struck. 

‘It appears in this instance that a bronze blank, most likely intended for a 1p piece, has been struck between 20p dies.’ 

A 20p with an 'error' is set to fetch as much as £300 at auction

A 2016 £1 coin with an error could sell for £80

Errors: The 20p left was cast on a bronze blank probably intended for a 1p and the £1 coin right has two differing years stamped on it

2016 £1 error coin  

A 2016 one pound coin is estimated to fetch up to £80 when it goes under the hammer on Wednesday.   

It has an error which features two dates – 2016 on the obverse and 2017 micro engraved on the reverse.

The tiny micro text around the rim, visible under magnification shows ‘2017’ rather than 2016 as would be expected. The error was confirmed by the Royal Mint in 2017. 

Change Checker says there is currently no indication as to how many of these error coins have been struck.

How much could your ‘error’ coin be worth?

An error in a coin is caused by human mistake, such as the wrong die or metal being used to strike a coin. 

A mis-strike is created by the mass production process. As hundreds of thousands of coins are struck, variations are bound to occur, especially when dies and machinery become worn.

Monometallic coins (those with one type of metal) with errors or mis-strikes are the most unusual and could sell for more than face value. 

One monometallic mis-strike found on a 2007 Technology £2 is estimated to be worth over £1,000. 

If you’ve found a £2 coin with an error or a mis-strike, it’s worth having it verified and authenticated by the Royal Mint who will supply a letter with their findings.

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