Big money: Yorkshire new chief executive Susan Allen

Big money: Yorkshire new chief executive Susan Allen

It is that time of year when most building societies begin to publish their annual reports and accounts. 

Although such financial tomes are hardly recommended bedtime reading material, they do shed a light on the health of an industry which provides many savers with an alternative home for their money from the banks. 

While all building societies are not the same, they tend to be more customer-centric than banks. 

For example, they often have branches in towns that the banks have long deserted, while the smaller ones tend to be community focused. They are also more receptive to maintaining savings passbooks – much loved by the elderly – and usually have branches dominated by friendly staff rather than banks of cash deposit and withdrawal machines. 

Yet flicking through the 2023 calendar year accounts that have so far made it into the public domain, there is a recurring theme which should jar with many hard-pressed households – and that is booming boardroom remuneration. 

Despite the financial hardship still faced by many households across the country, the bosses at top 10 building societies Leeds, Coventry, Nottingham, and Principality were all last year awarded double-digit percentage increases in their remuneration. 

Coventry’s Steve Hughes saw his pay package break the £ 1 million barrier to £1,086,000 – a 12.3 per cent increase on the previous year. 

His remuneration was boosted by performance-related pay of £447,000. Richard Fearon, his counterpart at Leeds, received a 14.6 per cent pay boost, taking his total remuneration to £862,000, while JulieAnn Haines and Susan Hayes at Principality and Nottingham respectively saw rises of 18.2 and 25.8 per cent (Hayes was only chief executive for nine months in 2022). 

In contrast, the bosses of ­Skipton and Newcastle saw their total remuneration fall. Nationwide (the biggest society by a country mile) has an early April year end, while Cumberland and West Brom’s accounts are to the end of this month. So these accounts won’t be available for a while. 

This leaves Yorkshire. Its new chief executive Susan Allen OBE joined the society in March 2023 from Barclays where she was head of customer transformation. Her remuneration from Yorkshire last year was certainly transformational – an eyebrow-raising £4,046,000, including a £777,000 bonus (for nine months hard work) and a £2.5million ‘replacement’ award (compensation for the awards and incentive opportunities she forfeited by walking out of Barclays to join Yorkshire). 

To put this into perspective, Nationwide boss Debbie Crosbie received £3,455,000 in the year to April 4, 2023, which included a £1,705,000 replacement award for bonuses lost by leaving TSB to join the mutual. 

Yes, it’s imperative building societies are run by some of the most talented people within the financial services industry. But there is a thin line between appropriate and excessive remuneration. I will leave you to decide which side of the line Allen et al stand on. 

Drop me an email with your thoughts at jeff.prestridge@

Why the wheels are coming off TfL’s cash cow

After a false start, common sense has finally prevailed at Transport for London, the organisation responsible for the financial plague that is the Ultra Low Emission Zone – and its sister plague, the congestion charge. 

In response to my article last week on Greater London resident Louise Matz being issued with a £12.50 charge for a Ulez non-compliant car she no longer owned being driven across London on the back of a transporter, TfL has now granted her a refund. 

In a note to Louise, TfL’s customer correspondence manager confirmed that vehicles being towed are not liable to pay the Ulez charge – and that her initial payment request for a refund should not have been rejected. It added: ‘The letter you received stating it had been correctly charge [sic] was sent in error.’ 

Cash cow: Louise Matz was issued with a £12.50 charge for a Ulez non-compliant car she no longer owned being driven across London on the back of a transporter

Cash cow: Louise Matz was issued with a £12.50 charge for a Ulez non-compliant car she no longer owned being driven across London on the back of a transporter

While Louise is delighted that a cheque is currently winging (trundling, more like) its way to her home in Pinner, it really shouldn’t require the intervention of the Press to get TfL to apply its charging rules fairly. 

How many drivers like Louise have challenged incorrect charges, only to be batted away by a revenue-focused TfL? Challenges need to be handled far more sensitively and respectfully.

It was simply not good enough for TfL to reject Louise’s initial complaint because she had failed to remove details of her old car from its auto-pay service. This was a red herring. The blatant lie was that it had ‘reviewed the vehicle image’ captured by the camera and concluded that the charge had been ‘raised correctly’. Outrageous. 

One final point on this issue. Drivers of transporters are obliged to cover up the number plates of the cars they are moving so that they do not show up on roadside cameras (thank you reader Peter Legind, from Saxmundham in Suffolk, for kindly pointing this out). 

Maybe, TfL should be reminding the businesses behind these transporters of their legal obligations – rather than issuing unjust penalty charges. 

No wonder Ulez is seen as nothing other than a TfL cash cow.

Beware Japanese banking scam (via Ukraine) 

Although most financial scams are now committed via email or text, some fraudsters continue to trust Royal Mail to deliver their letters of deceit to intended victims (more fool them). 

Reader Catherine Pole, from Radlett in Hertfordshire, has just received such a letter. 

It’s a variation on the infamous Nigerian scam letters of the 1990s, but her version has (allegedly) come from Japan and has a sordid Ukraine twist to it. Sent in the name of Katsunori Tanizaki, a director of Japanese SBI Shinsei Bank, it invites Catherine to apply for a share of $89 million (£70million) left by Martyn Pole with the bank. 

Martyn, the letter says, was a Hong Kong-based oil tycoon and died along with all his immediate family at the start of the Russian invasion in Ukraine. 

Tanizaki is adamant that the money should not go unclaimed, so he wants to present Catherine as the next of kin. 

In doing so, he claims that together they can enjoy Mr Pole’s riches – 45 per cent going to Catherine, 50 per cent to Tanizaki (so he can help Ukrainian refugees) and 5 per cent to meet any expenses. 

He finishes his letter with: ‘I assure you that the operation is 100 per cent legal and risk-free – if and only if you adhere to my instructions.’ 

He then invites Catherine to contact him via his private email – presumably so he can then either get her to provide him with her bank details so he can defraud her; or persuade her to part with money ahead of the bounty she will never see a dime of. 

Of course, the letter is a scam from start to finish. While there is an actual Katsunori Tanizaki who works for SBI Shinsei Bank, it is not a letter he penned – his name was simply cloned by the fraudster. 

Catherine sent the correspondence to me because she wanted to warn other readers in receipt of a version of it against responding to Mr Tanizaki’s offer of ‘fool’s gold’. 

For the record, I did ask SBI Shinsei Bank to comment on the letter. By the end of play on Friday, it had failed to do so.

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