Alarmed: Pensionbee boss Romi Savova

Alarmed: Pensionbee boss Romi Savova

Leading women in technology are warning that sexism risks being embedded into computer systems because so few female executives work in artificial intelligence (AI).

Fewer than a quarter of those employed in the field of AI globally are female, according to the World Economic Forum. That number drops to about one in five in the UK.

Female-founded AI startups win just 2 per cent of funding deals, according to the Alan Turing establish.

It means the new technology risks being shaped around the male mind, which could embed the subordination of women into these systems.

Melinda Gates, the former wife of Microsoft tycoon Bill Gates, recently warned she is ‘very nervous because we don’t have enough women… who have expertise in artificial intelligence’. She said more are needed or ‘we will bake bias into the system’.

Romi Savova, boss of the London-listed online pensions app Pensionbee, which uses AI, also rang alarm bells, saying: ‘The representation of senior women remains frustratingly sparse. The persistent gender funding gap for new businesses continues to cast a shadow over the potential of female-led innovations.’

Poppy Gustafsson, chief executive of cyber security firm Darktrace, said women historically had crucial roles in computer programming and code breaking, but their accomplishments are often overlooked.

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