Clare Short’s asser­tion (“Bri­tain’s legal advice on the Gaza war should be pub­lished”, Let­ters, April 8) that the “Inter­na­tional Court of Justice says there is a plaus­ible case for a find­ing of gen­o­cide against Israel” is in fact erro­neous. Former ICJ pres­id­ent Joan E Donoghue said the court had not decided that there was a plaus­ible claim that Israel com­mit­ted gen­o­cide in Gaza. In an inter­view with the BBC, she said there had been mis­re­port­ing in the press and what the court did find is that there was a plaus­ible right to present the claim and there was a risk of irre­par­able harm to Palestinian civil­ians.

Daniel Amini
Lon­don NW4, UK

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