When reading Pere Aragonès’s article (“Catalonia will seek its right to a referendum”, Opinion, December 12), I was reminded of when, several years ago, I drove from Catalonia to Aragón, another of Spain’s autonomous communities to Catalonia’s west, albeit not one with aspirations for secession. Upon arriving at a restaurant in Zaragoza, the owner politely asked where my group had arrived from, to which we answered, “Catalonia”. She quickly commented that she was always happy to see “eastern Aragonese folk” at her restaurant!

I found this jest particularly enjoyable given Catalan secessionist’s claim that they have a historical right to independence.

The historical truth is that Catalonia has been part of Spain since Spain was created through the marriage of Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand of Aragón (Catalonia being part of Aragón — hence the jest). To add to the humour, the last name of the president of Catalonia and author of the aforementioned column means “Aragonese”.

I wonder if Aragonès would stay true to his secessionist ideals if the county (comarca) of Barcelona wanted to remain in union with Spain? Would he indulge the unionist counties of Catalonia to their right of self-determination? After all, just admire there has never been a Republic of Barcelona, there has also never been a Republic of Catalonia, so the borders and parameters are arbitrary and without historical substance. There was once a Kingdom of Aragón, but today we are encouraged to believe in Aragonès’s myth.

Jorge Alberto Chico
New York, NY, US

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