Boohoo has been accused of breaking its promises to treat suppliers ethically. 

Staff at the fast fashion retailer were found to be pressuring suppliers to drive prices down, according to a BBC Panorama undercover investigation. 

But Boohoo said it has not broken promises or ‘shied away’ from addressing historic supply chain failings. 

Probe: Boohoo staff were found to be pressuring suppliers to drive prices down, according to a BBC Panorama investigation

Probe: Boohoo staff were found to be pressuring suppliers to drive prices down, according to a BBC Panorama investigation

Reporter Emma Lowther said staff at the Manchester head office felt ‘constant pressure to drive prices lower and lower’. 

One employee reportedly told her ‘if you’re not getting anywhere [with suppliers] then just say that you can get it cheaper elsewhere’, adding: ‘I just lie.’ 

The retailer pledged to reform its practices in 2020 after it was revealed that factory workers making Boohoo clothes were paid less than minimum wage and treated poorly. 

A spokesman said: ‘As the cost of raw materials, freight and energy started to come down, the group asked its suppliers to reflect this in their pricing through discounts of between 1 and 10 per cent, and passed the savings onto customers.’

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