It seems every time I read new research about the impact of artificial intelligence on the UK labour market I come across a new threat to another set of occupations. This time (“City workers predicted to face biggest AI hit”, Report, November 29), it seems management consultants and other “high-flyers” are most exposed to the effects of AI.

The Department for Education’s report did not, however, try to distinguish between jobs that could be superseded by AI and those where the new technology augmented the worker’s role. Yet this is exactly where we should be focusing our efforts, ensuring that we can equip the population with the tech skills they will need to pilot an AI-driven economy.

At Academy, we help businesses find overlooked but high potential tech talent because there is already a shortage of these skills in the UK. We should stop fear-mongering and instead focus on developing AI as a positive tool to augment the workforce.

Ashley Ramrachia
Chief Executive & Co-Founder, Academy
Manchester, UK

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