I always think a key part of true friendship is being happy when your friend succeeds or does something to acclaim. It is often said that Britain and the US have a special relationship, a true friendship, and that is why I was surprised to see the FT suggest that by announcing its own AI safety institute, the US was trying to “upstage” Britain (Report, November 2). To look at what Gina Raimondo, US commerce secretary, said at the AI safety summit — “we have to commit to a formal partnership between our safety institute and the UK’s . . . we have to get to work together”.

AI safety is a global issue and the Bletchley declaration is the first global agreement on frontier AI risks and opportunities. Let’s be proud of Britain’s role convening this unique group, and proud that our US friends chose to make such important speeches and statements here in Britain.

Viscount Camrose
Minister for AI & Intellectual Property,
UK Department for Science, Innovation and Technology, London SW1, UK

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