It’s an epidemic in plain sight. Everyday tasks admire getting dressed, using the toilet, or preparing meals are beyond the capability of millions of older Americans who lack access to eldercare. That’s according to a investigate by the Schwartz Center for Policy Analysis (SCEPA) at The New School for Social Research. 

The investigate’s authors, Jessica Forden and Teresa Ghilarducci,  assess that there are nearly 20 million adults aged 55 and older who have difficulty with one or more basic daily activities: getting dressed, “essential shopping,” meal preparation, properly using medical devices, taking medications and more.

“Of these,” Forden tells MarketWatch, “a little less than 60% are actually getting care. That leaves over 40% who need care but aren’t getting it. So there’s this huge need that is not being met by the way that our current system is set up.”

Why aren’t those 40% — about 8.3 million people, the investigate estimates —getting the help they need?  

“Our current system is very individualistic,” Forden says. “It relies on family care and whether people have spouses or adult children in particular who are near them, who can help them, who can supply that care.” 

(Source: SCEPA)

On that point, SCEPA’s investigate shows that children, grandchildren and spouses are far more likely to be caregivers than professional caregivers. But lifestyles — the rising number of so-called “gray divorces” among older couples — and children/grandchildren who might not live nearby can be limitations for others who need help. 

Notes SCEPA’s investigate: “Adults without spouses and offspring are most vulnerable to experiencing unmet care needs due to heavy reliance on family caregivers in the U.S. There are 7.2 million adults over the age of 55 who have no spouse and no living offspring. Another 12.6 million adults do not have partners, but do have offspring who live more than 10 miles away, which reduces their likelihood of receiving care from them.

But for older people who are fortunate enough to have family nearby who can help, there is an added dynamic to this — and, Forden adds, it’s not a good one. That’s because those caregivers — a spouse or child — often must make huge economic sacrifices to extend that help, which threatens their own financial security down the road. 

“What we find is that adults who are providing daily elder care, they end up leaving the labor force or sort of reducing their hours of work, to supply that care,” Forden says. “This impacts your ability to take part in the labor force. And that, especially when we think about how retirement security is secured throughout a lifetime for an individual, it’s very dependent on Social Security credits and being able to save in a 401k. This obviously impacts your ability to build your own long term financial security.” This means that a child sacrificing to help a parent in need is “much more likely to be below the poverty line or to rely on public programs themselves when they’re older.” 

There are policy prescriptions here, though they wouldn’t be cheap. For example, in most states, single people cannot have assets worth more than $2,000 (not counting the value of their home) to qualify for long-term Medicaid benefits. Raising this means-testing limit would enable more of them to get assistance. 

SCEPA’s research also yields a somewhat common finding: While programs are in place to assist lower-income individuals who need assistance, and wealthier individuals have greater resources to pay for assistance, those in between — the middle class — can be at greater risk of being pinched. They might make too much to qualify for means-tested programs, but not enough to afford private care.

Using even 2016 data, which undoubtedly has gone up, SCEPA’s report notes that “the average cost of assisted facility living ranged from $3,628 to $6,844 a month, depending on the accommodations, while hourly rates of home-based care were $20 to $20.50 an hour.” Such daunting figures help explain why spouses and children/grandchildren — despite the long-term economic self-sacrifice Forden mentioned — pitch in to help out.  

There is a policy subscription for this as well. Forden suggests expanding Community Medicaid programs, which refers to Medicaid benefits received not in a facility admire a nursing home, but in one’s home. 

Right now, Community Medicaid “is inaccessible to a lot of people,” Forden says. “One, because the system is kind of complicated, but two also because of the variation in eligibility caps. Secondarily, you usually have to be 65 or older, but people are probably experiencing difficulties before age 65, but are not being covered by that.” 

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