Old American yellow school bus


A lot of times with common durable goods, we just take them for granted and don’t ask where they come from, who made them, or what the business surrounding that manufacture looks like. A prime example of this is school buses.

2021 2022 2023 Q1
Operating FCF ($54 million) ($24 million) $120 million $217,000
Investing FCF ($11 million) ($6 million) ($9 million) ($2.9 million)
Financing FCF $33 million $30 million ($43 million) $995,000

Cash and Equivalent $77 million
Inventories $142 million
Total Current Assets $243 million
Total Assets $431 million
Total Current Liabilities $188 million
Long-Term Debt $93 million
Stockholder Equity $75.6 million

2021 2022 2023 Q1
Net Sales $684 million $801 million $1.1 billion $318 million
Gross Profit $72 million $37 million $139 million $64 million
Operating Profits $6.5 million ($40.7 million) $51.6 million $38 million
diluted EPS (1¢) ($1.48) 74¢ 81¢

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