• TSB finds a third of Facebook Marketplace ads could be fake 
  • It warns consumers not to make online purchases from Facebook Marketplace  
  • 73% of all purchase fraud cases at TSB originates from Facebook Marketplace

TSB has issued an urgent scam warning, after the bank found that a third of ads on Facebook Marketplace could be fake.

The bank is urging consumers to avoid making online purchases on Facebook Marketplace so they don’t fall victim.

The bank’s fraud team sampled 100 Facebook Marketplace posts – including cars, watches, games consoles, air fryers and handbags – and contacted the sellers to determine whether the items were genuinely for sale, or scams.

The fraud experts concluded that 34 percent of the listings were bogus ads because the seller used tactics common to purchase fraud criminals.

Beware: TSB has warned that vehicles, phones and shoes and clothes were targeted the most by scammers by volume in 2023

Beware: TSB has warned that vehicles, phones and shoes and clothes were targeted the most by scammers by volume in 2023 

For example, these sellers directed TSB fraud experts to fake websites, refused to allow viewing of an item in person and demanded advanced fees.

TSB also discovered items advertised as ‘brand new’ for hundreds of pounds less than their real retail price, which can also be a tell-tale sign of a scam. 

During the investigation, TSB discovered an iPhone 13, listed as ‘brand new’ for just £84 – when the Apple website sells this model for £599. On contacting the seller, TSB’s fraud expert was directed to a scam website to make the payment.

TSB also found a 2016 Audi Q3 advertised for £6,000. The seller refused to answer any questions and directed TSB’s fraud expert to an email address. 

Upon searching the email address, TSB discovered it had been reported as part of a car fraud scam on a community website in 2023.

Other items included a Ninja Air Fryer, listed as brand new at £65 when the real retail price is £249. TSB was directed to a fake site upon enquiring.

A spokesperson for Meta, which owns Facebook, said: ‘With tens of millions of people using our apps daily in the UK, we recognise our important role in tackling the industry-wide issue of online purchase scams and have systems in place to block scams. 

‘Facebook Marketplace is a local meet up and collection service so we don’t facilitate payments or shipping, but scammers exploit this by taking conversations off our platforms where we can’t enforce. 

‘We encourage our community to report scams immediately so we can take action and we’ll continue equipping customers with knowledge to transact securely and avoid fraud on Marketplace.’

Lloyds Bank recently warned that cars and concert tickets and are among the top items which could be targeted by scammers in 2024.

Facebook Marketplace currently accounts for 73 percent of all purchase fraud cases at TSB – and remains the biggest driver of fraud by volume.

Figures show £60million could have been lost by customers of all banks via Facebook Marketplace in 2023 – which is £160,000 being lost every day on the platform.

Our sister title Money Mail has been campaigning for the Government to force tech companies to step in and stop the scammers.

Last year, we revealed how Facebook Marketplace had become a hotbed of scammers – and how thousands of fake car adverts are on the platform.

Money Mail also carried out its own test to see how easy it is for scammers to post fake ads for phones for sale and reel in unwitting consumers.

Item Volume of scams
Vehicle/vehicle Parts 21%
Phone  7% 
Shoes and clothing  7% 
Games Console and Accessories  7% 
Concert and Festival Tickets  6% 
Small Electronics (Laptop, Cameras, Tables, Drones etc)  5% 
Furniture  5% 
Household Electronics and Appliances  4% 
Service  3% 
Building Materials and Tools  3% 
Source: TSB

The Government announced measures to force tech companies to crack down on online fraud last year.

It involved 11 of the world’s biggest tech companies signing a voluntary ‘Online Fraud Charter’ which saw them pledge to take action to protect their users against online scams and to block fake adds and fraudulent content affecting their users.

Meta, which owns and operates Facebook has signed the charter. As the charter is voluntary, there are no penalties if companies are found to not be doing enough in line with the terms.

TSB is now urging social media companies to deliver on commitments in the Government’s Online Fraud Charter.

Matt Hepburn, fraud spokesperson at TSB, said: ‘You wouldn’t shop at a supermarket if a third of the items were stale or counterfeit – so the same should apply to Facebook Marketplace, where you have a one in three chance of being scammed when paying online.

‘Social media companies really must act on their commitments under the government’s Online Fraud Charter by urgently clearing up their platforms – removing scam adverts is a good first test.’

Five tips to spot fake adverts 

1. View the item in person

You can also ask the seller for a live video call. Pre-recorded videos won’t work as they could also be stolen from a genuine advert.

2. Avoid bank transfers

Using the second-hand site’s own payment platform often comes with better protection.

3. Reverse Google search

Google has a feature that allows you to drag images into the search bar and see where they have been used before, which can help you identify a scam advert.

4. Be suspicious of low prices

Fake adverts usually list the item for a price much lower than the average. Do your research.

5. Don’t panic

Scammers use tricks to rush you into a decision — such as making up another potential buyer. Be wary if the seller is applying a lot of pressure.

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