The excel­lent art­icle on the inex­or­able rise of the Bet365 gambling empire and its boss Den­ise Coates (“Bet365 ‘cash machine’ keeps pay­ing the house”, Report, Janu­ary 13) makes a claim from a bene­fi­ciary of the Den­ise Coates Found­a­tion that Bet365 provides a ser­vice that “lots of people can respons­ibly util­ise”.

I beg to dif­fer. For two dec­ades I was a loyal cus­tomer until bets on my account were restric­ted to pen­nies and the account abruptly ter­min­ated. In a life­time of respons­ible gambling, I have won enough to sup­ple­ment my income, but it both­ers me greatly that Bet365 can get away with clos­ing cus­tomer accounts without proper explan­a­tion or warn­ing. After all, Coates should know book­mak­ing is a two-way street and cus­tom­ers must be able to win as well as lose. Or is it a case of weed­ing out the win­ners and keep­ing the losers to ensure the com­pany a guar­an­teed means of mak­ing a profit?

Mal­colm Hey­hoe
Not­ting­ham, Not­ting­ham­shire, UK

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