2024, 2023, The Way Forward, Motivation, Planning


Happy New Year! It’s January, which means it’s time to offer predictions for what the new year may bring for global markets in 2024.

But first, it’s important to reflect on what we learned over the previous year — and there



What it tells us

Jan. 8

Eurozone consumer inflation expectations

Measures consumers’ expectations of future inflation.

Eurozone retail sales

Measures consumer demand.

Eurozone unemployment

Indicates the health of the job market.

US consumer inflation expectations (NY Fed)

Measures consumers’ expectations of future inflation.

US consumer credit

Reports outstanding credit extended to individuals.

Jan. 9

Japan Consumer Price Index

Tracks the path of inflation.

German industrial production

Indicates the economic health of the industrial sector.

Jan. 10

China outstanding loan growth

Measures loans extended to consumers and businesses.

Jan. 11

US Consumer Price Index

Tracks the path of inflation.

China Consumer Price Index

Tracks the path of inflation.

Jan 12

UK gross domestic product

Measures a region’s economic activity.

UK industrial production

Indicates the economic health of the industrial sector.

US Producer Price Index

Measures the change in prices paid to producers of goods and services.

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