Bizarre Burglaries

The world of crime is often shrouded in mystery and intrigue, but sometimes it ventures into the downright bizarre. While we frequently hear about the theft of money, electronics, or jewelry, some burglars have gone a step further, targeting items so unusual they’re almost unbelievable. Below are 15 of the most peculiar and unexpected items ever reported stolen in burglaries, showcasing the strange side of criminal endeavors.

1. A Live Shark


In a heist straight out of a Hollywood script, the San Antonio Aquarium became the center of an unprecedented crime scene. The target? Miss Helen, an 18-inch horn shark, whisked away in a baby stroller. This bizarre theft, which occurred during the renowned ‘Shark Week’, led to the felony charge of a suspect, Anthony Sinclair Shannon, for his alleged involvement in the aquatic caper.

2. The Disappearing Act of L.A.’s Historic Lampposts

historical lamposts

Los Angeles’ iconic Glendale-Hyperion Viaduct, known for its distinctive bronze lampposts, has become the unlikely scene of a series of thefts. Thieves have made off with 22 of these historic streetlights, installed in 1926 and valued for their unique design and cultural significance.

As a countermeasure to these persistent thefts, the L.A. Bureau of Street Lighting has proactively removed 18 additional lampposts for safeguarding. The city has decided to remove and store all remaining lights on the bridge as a precautionary step, replacing them with temporary fixtures to ensure public safety.

3. A Giant Inflatable Colon

Giant Inflatable Colon


Medical awareness took a hit when a giant inflatable colon used for educational purposes was stolen. This unusual item, which belonged to the University of Kansas Cancer Center is typically used to raise awareness about colon cancer. The theft of such a unique and valuable educational tool highlights the unexpected targets that burglaries can have.

4. Rare Insect Collections

Insect Theft

In a daring and unprecedented theft, the Philadelphia Insectarium and Butterfly Pavilion suffered the loss of approximately 7,000 rare insects and reptiles, constituting 90% of their collection. The FBI stepped in to investigate the incident, which involved five former staff members.

These suspects were seen on surveillance footage, nonchalantly removing the creatures in plastic totes and loading them into cars. The stolen specimens included over 100 venomous spiders and rhinoceros cockroaches, believed to be targeted for sale to exotic animal collectors.

5. The Great Maple Syrup Heist

Maple Syrup Heist

In one of the most unusual and audacious burglaries, thieves in Quebec, Canada, managed to steal over 3,000 tons of maple syrup, valued at approximately $18 million. This heist, known as the Great Maple Syrup Heist, occurred in 2011 and 2012 at the Federation of Quebec Maple Syrup Producers’ warehouse. The criminals methodically siphoned syrup from the barrels over several months, replacing it with water to avoid detection.

This syrup was then transported and sold in various markets, making it one of the largest agricultural thefts in history. The sheer scale and ingenuity of this heist left the authorities baffled and highlighted the black-market value of this sweet commodity. The Great Maple Syrup Heist stands out not only for its uniqueness but also for its impact on the global maple syrup industry.

6. The Antique Carousel Theft

Antique Sea Monster

The Quassy Amusement Park, home to the historic 1902 E. Joy Morris Carousel, experienced a significant loss in 1985 when one of its original sea monster figures was stolen. This theft, a part of the carousel’s rich history, was notable not only for the rarity and value of the stolen piece but also for the audacity of the crime.

The carousel, which featured an array of intricately carved animals, including lions, tigers, camels, and horses, was an iconic part of the park’s appeal. The stolen figure, with its unique design and historical significance, represented a tangible piece of the carousel’s legacy. The incident underscored the vulnerability of such irreplaceable artifacts to theft and the importance of preserving our cultural and historical heritage

7. A Ghost Town’s Relics-Bodie, CA.

Bodie, CA

Bodie, a former gold-mining town, is now maintained in a state of “arrested decay” by California State Parks. The town has faced issues with theft over the years, with visitors often taking artifacts despite warnings and signs. Notably, there’s a tale about a curse associated with taking items from Bodie, which has led to many people returning stolen items along with letters explaining their misfortunes since taking the artifacts.

8. Dramatic Bird Theft

Exotic Birds

In a startling incident on April 14, 2023, a popular Buckhead restaurant in Atlanta became the unexpected scene of a wildlife crime. Three beloved exotic birds, known as Ruby, Peaches, and Cream, were brazenly stolen from the R. Thomas Deluxe Grill. The thief executed this audacious act in the early hours, skillfully cutting the padlocks off the birds’ cages and obscuring the security cameras to conceal his actions.

The restaurant, famed for its vibrant ambiance partly due to these feathered friends, was left in a state of shock and dismay. However, thanks to the diligent work of local law enforcement and clues captured by external security cameras, the perpetrator was apprehended.

9. Heist of an Entire Grape Harvest in French Vineyard

Entire Grape Harvest

In a remarkable and disheartening event for the wine industry, a French winegrower in Villeneuve-lès-Béziers suffered a devastating loss in September 2010. Thieves executed a well-planned theft of the entire crop of Cabernet Sauvignon grapes from a remote vineyard, employing their own grape-harvesting machine and a large lorry to transport the stolen goods.

Roland Cavaillé, the vineyard owner, reported the loss of 30 tonnes of grapes spread over two hectares, valued at approximately €15,000. The theft, which occurred under the cover of a full moon, points to the sophistication and planning of the criminals. Cavaillé, lamenting the loss of a year’s labor, noted that the isolated location of the vineyard, near a river, provided the perfect setting for the crime to be carried out undisturbed.

This incident not only reflects the challenges faced by vineyard owners in protecting their crops but also underscores the rising tension in the industry during difficult years.

10. Historic Church Bell

Historic Church Bell

St. Christopher’s Catholic Church in Whitefish experienced a profound loss when their historic 400-pound bronze bell, affectionately named ‘Maria‘, was discovered stolen. Cast over 120 years ago and a fixture at the church since the early 1960s, the bell was deeply intertwined with the community’s religious and cultural life.

The absence of ‘Maria’ was noticed just before a Sunday service, leaving the parish in shock and nostalgia. Ernie Heerschap, the chair of the parish council, reflected on the bell’s significance, recalling its comforting sound during countless ceremonies and its role in preserving tradition.

The theft, believed to be motivated by the bell’s scrap value, is a stark reminder of the vulnerability of such cherished historical artifacts. ‘Maria’ was not just a bell; it symbolized generations of community memories and the continuity of faith and tradition at St. Christopher’s Church.

11. Stolen Secrets from the Kitchen

Stolen Recipes

In a striking case of culinary deception, the 1984 publication of “Richard Nelson’s American Cooking” revealed a sordid tale of intellectual theft in the culinary world. Renowned chef Richard Nelson, a protege of the illustrious James Beard, faced allegations of having stolen over 40 recipes for his cookbook.

Despite his culinary prowess, Nelson’s decision to include these plagiarized recipes in a collection of over 500 dishes was a baffling move that led to the immediate withdrawal of his book from stores. This incident, cloaked in the pursuit of quick financial gain, left the culinary community in disbelief and raised serious questions about ethics in the world of haute cuisine.

The scandal not only tainted Nelson’s reputation but also shed light on the darker aspects of competition and greed in the culinary arts.

12. An Olympic Medal

gold medal

In a disheartening turn of events, a U.S. women’s volleyball Olympian suffered a significant personal loss when her three hard-earned Olympic medals were stolen during a home burglary in Laguna Hills, California, on October 29, 2022.

The stolen items included a gold medal from the 2020 Tokyo Games, a silver from the 2012 London Games, and a bronze from the 2016 Rio Olympics, representing pinnacle achievements in the athlete’s career. These medals, symbols of dedication, skill, and national pride, were kept in a safe that the thieves managed to purloin.

 The theft of these medals, especially following the historic gold medal victory at the Tokyo Games, marks a sorrowful chapter for the athlete and casts a shadow over the spirit of sporting excellence.

Protecting the Irreplaceable

burglary finish

The bizarre nature of these thefts serves as a reminder of the broad spectrum of items that can attract the attention of burglars. From historical artifacts to personal achievements, the range of stolen items is as diverse as it is unexpected. To protect these treasures, it’s crucial to implement effective security measures and raise awareness about the value and vulnerability of such items.

Share your thoughts on these unusual thefts and join the conversation on safeguarding our most cherished possessions.

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