Never Leave In The Car

We’ve all been there: a quick dash to the grocery store that turns into an impromptu rendezvous with friends, or perhaps you forget to take things out of the car and inadvertently become a target for thieves. But not everything is car-friendly. Below are 11 items you should never leave in your car and the compelling reasons behind each one. Whether it’s about safety, preservation, or avoiding costly mishaps, these tips will help you make informed decisions about what stays and what goes.

1. Medications


Many medications have specific temperature storage guidelines to maintain their efficacy. Exposing them to excessive heat or cold can compromise the drug’s active ingredients and render them useless or less effective. Imagine needing that critical medication, only to find it ineffective due to improper storage.

2. Electronics


Our beloved gadgets — from smartphones and gaming consoles to laptops and cameras — contain lithium-ion batteries that don’t fare well when exposed to extreme temperatures. Excessive heat can cause batteries to malfunction or even explode, while cold temperatures drain battery life and damage LCD screens. 

3. Aerosol Cans


Aerosol cans, such as deodorants, hairspray, or cleaning products, contain propellants that expand when exposed to high temperatures. This expansion can create a dangerous or even life-threatening situation. Your car can get scorching hot when parked in the sun, with temperatures sometimes soaring past 120 degrees.

4. Lighters


Lighters contain pressurized flammable gas, posing a fire hazard when exposed to high temperatures. Small, disposable lighters are easily forgotten in glove compartments or door pockets and can burst or explode when internal pressure becomes too high.

5. Purse or Wallet


Your purse or wallet likely contains essential items like credit cards, identification, and cash. Extreme temperatures can wreak havoc on these items. Lipsticks and liquid products can melt or separate, while cosmetics like blush and powdered foundation might turn crumbly or crack.

6. Perishable Food

Perishable Foods

Leaving perishable food items in your car, especially during hot weather, is a recipe for disaster. Bacteria multiply rapidly in warm conditions, rendering food unsafe to consume. Plus, the smell of spoiled food can linger and attract unwanted pests.

7. Glasses or Sunglasses


Heat can warp the frames of your eyeglasses or sunglasses, affecting their fit and comfort. Additionally, extreme temperatures may cause the lenses to crack or distort.

8. Makeup


We’ve already discussed the risks to makeup due to temperature fluctuations. Beyond that, leaving makeup in the car can lead to color changes, texture alterations, and even bacterial contamination. Keep cosmetics safe by bringing them inside once you get out of you vehicle.

9. Important Documents

Important Documents

Leaving crucial documents like your driver’s license, passport, or insurance papers in your car can lead to identity theft or other security risks. Thieves can easily break into your vehicle and gain access to sensitive information. Always carry these documents with you or store them securely at home.

10. Valuables and Personal Items

Valuable Items

Avoid leaving valuable items such as jewelry, laptops, or expensive handbags in your car. Even if you think they’re well-hidden, thieves are adept at spotting potential targets. A broken window or a compromised lock can quickly turn your car into an easy score. Take valuables with you or lock them in the trunk.

11. Pets


While it might seem obvious, some pet owners still leave their furry companions in parked cars. Even on a mild day, the interior temperature can rise significantly, putting your pet at risk of heatstroke or dehydration. Never leave pets unattended in a car, and if you must travel with them, ensure proper ventilation and water supply.

Not A Storage Unit

Storage Unit

Remember, your car is not a storage unit. By avoiding these 11 items, you’ll protect your belongings, maintain safety, and prevent unnecessary expenses. So next time you’re tempted to leave something behind, think twice and prioritize the well-being of your car and its contents. Stay informed, stay safe, and keep your car clutter-free!



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