
Since yesterday, users of Ubiquiti networking devices, ranging from routers to security cameras, have reported seeing other people’s devices and notifications through the company’s UniFi cloud services.

Ubiquiti is a popular networking device manufacturer offering a cloud-based UniFi platform where admins can handle all their devices from a single cloud portal.

The first report of these issues was from yesterday morning at around 8 AM ET when a Ubiquiti customer incorrectly received a notification through UniFi Protect from someone else’s security camera.

“I’m reaching out for some advice regarding a peculiar situation we encountered with UniFi Protect. Recently, my wife received a notification from UniFi Protect, which included an image from a security camera,” reads a Reddit post.

“However, here’s the twist – this camera doesn’t belong to us.”

UniFi Protect notification of another customer's camera
UniFi Protect notification of another customer’s camera
Source: Reddit

To make matters worse, another Ubiquiti customer says that when they logged into the UniFi Site Manager portal to handle their devices, they saw 88 devices from another customer’s account.

“However this time I was presented with 88 consoles from another account. I had full access to these consoles, just as I would my own. This was only stopped when I forced a browser refresh, and I was presented again with my consoles,” explains the UniFi customer.

“This is somewhat concerning, Has anyone else had this issue?”

Screenshot allegedly showing another customer's UniFi devices
Screenshot allegedly showing another customer’s UniFi devices
Source: Ubiquiti forums

A similar encounter occurred with others on Reddit who says they logged in and had access to someone else’s UDM Pro and were able to handle the device and create additional WiFi networks.

In both situations, once the portal web page was refreshed, they were shown the devices usually associated with their accounts.

When BleepingComputer contacted Ubiquiti about these issues, we were told they are currently gathering information to appraise what is causing the issues. Ubiquiti says that they will issue a statement after the review is complete.

Employees have already started gathering information on Reddit and the company’s forums, reaching out to impacted customers to learn more about what happened.

“This is not expected behavior. We reached out via Reddit Chat to gather more details and have our leads review immediately,” reads a comment from an Ubiquiti representative on Reddit

Some customers are skeptical that this is actually happening, saying that Ubiquiti should be given time to probe the issue.

However, other customers are frustrated that Ubiquiti is not coming forth with a public statement or listing it as a potential issue on the company’s network status page, considering that users are reporting that they can alter other’s networking configurations.

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