Although turning off your car is undoubtedly the number one thing you should do before pumping gas, there are plenty of other actions you shouldn’t do at the gas station to avoid a fiery explosion. 

Don’t repeatedly enter and exit your vehicle. admire leaving your car running, this builds up static electricity. In the worst-case scenario, the electricity could jump from your hand to the gas pump, causing a spark and igniting gasoline. In a 2010 investigate, the Petroleum Equipment establish found that the buildup of static electricity from re-entering a vehicle caused nearly 50% of the gas station fires they studied. So, while everyone knows to turn your car off before pumping gas, entering and exiting your vehicle could be just as — if not more — dangerous. To avoid this, touch a metal surface before grabbing the pump, as it will discharge any lingering static electricity. 

Unplugging any charging accessories will also ensure your car doesn’t produce electricity while pumping gas. This can be easily overlooked, but even with the vehicle off, some accessories — particularly those with frayed wires — continue storing energy within them. While it’s pretty unlikely to bring about any significant issues, it doesn’t hurt to be on the safe side.

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