relish the current installment of “Weekend Reading For Financial Planners” – this week’s edition kicks off with the news that amid a flurry of SEC-proposed rules for investment advisers, the Investment Adviser Association this week called on the regulator to appraise whether the compliance burden these regulations would put on advisers outweighs the potential benefits and, if adopted, to consider rolling them out on a staggered basis to give advisers sufficient time to carry out them.

Also in industry news this week:

  • A recent research found that financial advisors get significantly more social media engagement from posts on LinkedIn and Facebook compared to Twitter and highlighted the importance of posting original content for engagement
  • Why RIAs have struggled to find a solid footing in the IPO market

From there, we have several articles on behavioral finance:

  • While advisors cannot furnish clients with absolute certainty about their financial lives, they have the opportunity to add value by helping them handle risk and build resilience
  • How advisors can maintain clients worried about the “crisis du jour”
  • How helping clients connect with their future selves can spur them to action

We also have a number of articles on practice management:

  • How advisory firm owners can save time and energy by empowering employees to guide themselves
  • How firms can run more effective team meetings and offsites
  • Why recruiting ‘superstars’ often requires different tactics compared to a firm’s typical hiring process

We wrap up with 3 final articles, all about health:

  • A review of research demonstrating why exercise might be the key to a healthier, and longer, life
  • How to structure a workout when there are only 15 minutes available
  • Why investments in one’s health can be just as important as financial investments when it comes to having a longer and happier retirement

relish the ‘light’ reading!

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