Many of us around these parts are continuing to cling tightly to our $7.99/month YouTube Premium subscriptions. This price dates back to the Google Play Music and YouTube Red days, but alas, it appears our time has finally come.

In an email reported to be sent out this week (note: I, a grandfathered subscriber, have yet to procure it), YouTube explains that the tough decision has been made to boost the monthly rates for grandfathered subscribers starting in January, 2024. Woof.

We knew this day was coming, as YouTube told as as much when it increased monthly rates for existing subscribers back in July of this year. When the rate boost takes effect, regardless of whether you’re paying the $9.99/mo or $7.99/mo price, your monthly bill will go up to $13.99/month.

I will say, we’re a bit surprised the $7.99/mo price lasted this long. For that, we’re grateful. Now do your thing big company and take more of my money.

// reddit | 9to5Google

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