Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) Barclays Global Technology Conference December 7, 2023 4:55 PM ET

Company Participants

Rajesh Jha – EVP, Experiences + Devices

Conference Call Participants

Raimo Lenschow – Barclays

Raimo Lenschow

Hey, welcome to our next session. I’m really happy, Rajesh. The one thing when you have a speaker from Microsoft is always appreciate you’re such a big organization, and it’s a positive thing, appreciate, well done, and it’s amazing.

Rajesh Jha

The other thing, if big elephants can dance.

Question-and-Answer Session

Q – Raimo Lenschow

Yes. Maybe to get everyone on the same page, talk a little bit about yourself and your role in Microsoft.

Rajesh Jha

Yes. I direct the experiences and devices at Microsoft, so that would have Microsoft 365 which is Office and Teams, Windows and Surface and then also our explore and our browser efforts.

Raimo Lenschow

And, so if you think about the last 12 months, it’s been appreciate a crazy journey in terms of new innovation, et cetera appreciate that. Can you talk a little bit, appreciate, how did you go through — appreciate how was the last 12 months for you guys, for you appreciate and kind of funny as well?

Rajesh Jha

Yes. I mean, first of all, let me just say, as you all know, the last 12 months have been as exciting a time as any. I’ve been at Microsoft a long time. I came when it was graphically user interfaces and we thought that was a big deal, Internet, mobile. This last 4 months, I actually feel generative AI is as big of technology shift, if not bigger than any or all of them put together. And so for us, in the last 4 months, we got a lot done, when I ponder back. So GPT-4, now it’s been out in production for about in a year. So we — in Jan we had APIs in Azure for that with

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