
Mammoth 2

Since Twitter underwent new ownership and rebranded to X, many users have been searching for alternatives. Mastodon quickly became a leading option. However, its complicated onboarding process pushed lots of users away. Mammoth 2 seeks to overcome that problem. 

On Thursday, Mammoth unveiled Mammoth 2, an app that aims to make accessing Mastodon easier and the user experience more intuitive. Apple users can start using Mammoth 2 today simply by downloading the app from the App Store. 

Also: The best Twitter alternatives

Unlike Mastodon’s onboarding system, getting started on Mammoth 2 is similar to getting started on any other social media platform. Instead of having to pick a server, you just have to download the app and sign up. 

Even if you have never used Mastodon before, Mammoth incorporates an intuitive user interface to make it easy to get started. For example, upon onboarding, the platform will give you personalized recommendations on accounts to follow. 

You can also find community leaders’ handpicked “Smart Lists” on the app that are organized by topic to tune into conversations you care about more easily. 

Another deviation from Mastodon is that your “For You” explore page is not controlled by an “addictive algorithm,” according to the company. Instead, the feed is powered by dozens of Smart Lists. 

Also: How to unite a Mastodon server with the official Android app

Mammoth 2 also seeks to make Mastodon a reliable source of news. As a result, it is introducing updates, including integration with Flipboard Desks and Smart Lists from Newsmast and 

The app is free to download and available on recent iPhone and iPad models and on Apple Silicon Macs. Mammoth 2 is available to users free of charge but will also offer a subscription option of $2.99 per month or $19.99 annually. 

With the subscription, users can unlock alternative app icons, early access to new features, priority access to technical uphold, a vote on new features, and the opportunity to attend quarterly board meetings. 

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