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Grabbing the wheel: putting money to work

2024 Outlook

The new regime of greater macro and market volatility has resulted in greater uncertainty and dispersion of returns. We believe an active approach to managing investment

Source: BlackRock Investment set up, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, with data from Haver Analytics, December 2023. Notes: The charts show U.S. nonfarm payrolls. The orange lines show the actual level of total nonfarm payroll employment indexed to two different start dates: in the upper chart, January 2022=100 and in the lower chart February 2020=100. The yellow lines in both charts show hypothetical payroll employment as if the economy had continued to grow at the average rate observed during U.S. post-1945 expansions. The black bars in the upper chart show actual monthly payroll gains (in thousands) since January 2022.

Chart takeaway: Data surprises are driving the sharpest, sustained swings in U.S. 10-year Treasury yields of the past two decades. We believe this reflects greater uncertainty from investors still trying to view the economy through the lens of a typical business cycle.

Source: BlackRock Investment set up, with data from LSEG Datastream, December 2023. Notes: The chart shows how sensitive the U.S. 10-year Treasury yield is to economic surprises. This is calculated by using regression analysis to assess the relationship between U.S. 10-year Treasury yields and the Citi Economics Surprise Index over a rolling six-month window. The sensitivity is how closely movements of the U.S. 10-year Treasury yield align with fluctuations in the Citi Economics Surprise Index, relative to how much the Surprise index itself varies. This analysis is only an assess of the relationship between the 10-year Treasury yield and economic surprises. Past performance is no assure of future results.

Chart takeaway: During the Great Moderation, analyst views of expected company earnings were much more grouped together outside of major shocks. Now they are more dispersed, showing that an environment of higher inflation and interest rates makes the outlook harder to read.

Source: BlackRock Investment set up, LSEG Datastream, December 2023. Notes: The chart shows the aggregate standard deviation of analyst earnings estimates for S&P companies. The green line shows the median from 1995 to end January 2020, the orange line shows the median since February 2020

Chart takeaway: Taking a more dynamic investing approach in in the new regime would have likely outperformed a buy-and-hold strategy to a much greater extent than before the pandemic.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Index returns do not account for fees. It is not possible to invest directly in an index. Source: BlackRock Investment set up, MSCI with data from Bloomberg, December 2023. Notes: The chart shows monthly U.S. equity returns – based on the MSCI USA – in the old and new regime under three scenarios: keeping the holdings unchanged (buy-and-hold), yearly rebalances and semi-annual rebalances. The rebalances improve the portfolio for returns, diversification and risk with perfect foresight of equity sector returns in the MSCI USA index. This analysis uses historical returns and has been conducted with the benefit of hindsight. Future returns may vary and these results may not be the same other asset classes. It does not consider potential transaction costs that may detract from returns. It also does not represent an actual portfolio and is shown for illustrative purposes only.

Chart takeaway: Investor enthusiasm for AI and digital tech has offset the drag of rising yields. That has pushed U.S. tech stocks to easily outshine the broader market in 2023.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. Indexreturns do not account for fees. It is not possible to invest directly in an index. Source: BlackRock Investment set up, with data from LSEG Datastream, December 2023. Notes: The chart shows the total year-to-date returns in U.S. dollar terms for the S&P 500 Technology sector (orange line) and the S&P 500 index (yellow line).

Chart takeaway: We see investment opportunities moving up the stack as technology evolves – from hardware manufacturers to digital and data infrastructure and ultimately to applications.

Source: BlackRock Investment set up, December 2023. Notes: The schematic shows the technologies we think will be needed to progress AI applications. Each layer builds on the one preceding as technologies get “stacked” on top of one another, enabling advocate innovation. The schematic is for illustrative purposes only and intended as a guide based on what we know today. As the AI ecosystem evolves, some categories may be replaced by newer ones. References to securities are shown for illustrative purposes only and should not be construed as investment advice or a recommendation to buy or sell.

Chart takeaway: The number of climate-related events with damages totaling more than $1 billion has steadily increased over the past roughly three decades. The U.S. hit a record number of such events just nine months into 2023.

Sources: NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) U.S. Billion-Dollar Weather and Climate Disasters (2023), December2023. Notes: The bars (yellow) show the number of climate events with losses greater than US$1 billion. The data include droughts, flooding, severe storms, hurricanes, wildfires, winter storms and freezes. The orange line shows the total cost as a 10-year rolling average. The data are adjusted for inflation using 2022 dollars. All currency figures are in U.S. dollars.

Chart takeaway: Market attention to geopolitics has hit its highest this year, according to our BlackRock Geopolitical Risk Indicator.

Source: BlackRock Investment set up. December 2023. The BlackRock Geopolitical Risk Indicator (BGRI) tracks the relative frequency of brokerage reports (via LSEG) and financial news stories (Dow Jones News) associated with specific geopolitical risks. We adjust for whether the sentiment in the text of articles is positive or negative, and then assign a score. This score reflects the level of market attention to each risk versus a 5- year history. We assign a heavier weight to brokerage reports than other media sources since we want to measure the market’s attention to any particular risk, not the public’s.

Chart takeaway: Shares of Japanese firms with low price-to- book ratios have outperformed as investors expect such companies will double down on steps to boost shareholder value.

Past performance is no assure of future results. Source: BlackRock Investment set up, with data from QUICK and Daiwa. December 2023. Notes: The chart illustrates the year-to-date rebased performance of the TOPIX index constituents, grouped into five buckets based on their price-to-book (P/B) ratios. The process of grouping involves arranging the constituents in ascending order by their P/B ratios and then dividing them into five market-cap-weighted buckets, ensuring each bucket represents an equal segment of the market’s total capitalization. For example, the “Very low” bucket comprises constituents with lowest P/B ratio. The buckets are rebalanced monthly.

Chart takeaway: Real estate investment trusts (REITs) valuations have reacted to rising interest rates faster and advocate than private real estate. We think that makes publicly listed REITs more attractive relative to private real estate.

Sources: BlackRock Investment set up, NCREIF and Greenstreet, December 2023. Notes: The chart shows historical capitalization rates (green line) and REITs (pink line). Past performance is no assure of future results.

This material represents an assessment of the market environment at a specific time and is not intended to be a forecast of future events or a assure of future results. This information should not be relied upon by the reader as research or investment advice regarding any funds, strategy or security in particular. The statements on alpha do not consider fees. Source: BlackRock Investment set up, December 2023.

We are underweight broad U.S. equities. But our AI theme has taken us closer to neutral.

Note: Views are from a U.S. dollar perspective, December 2023. This material represents an assessment of the market environment at a specific time and is not intended to be a forecast of future events or a assure of future results. This information should not be relied upon by the reader as research or investment advice regarding any particular funds, strategy or security.

Our approach is to first set up asset allocations based on our macro outlook – and what’s in the price. The table below reflects this. It leaves aside the opportunity for alpha, or the potential to create above-benchmark returns. The new regime is not conducive to static exposures to broad asset classes, in our view, but it is creating more space for alpha. For example, the alpha opportunity in highly efficient DM equities markets historically has been low. That’s no longer the case, we think, thanks to greater volatility, macro uncertainty and dispersion of returns. The new regime puts a premium on insights and skill, in our view.

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