A senior European official has warned on Tuesday that there is a “huge risk of terror attacks” in Europe over the Christmas period amid polarisation within the public created as a result of the Hamas-Israeli war in the Middle East.

European Home Affairs Commission Ylva Johansson that a terrorist attack is likely in Europe over the festive season.

Paris was struck with an attack over the weekend which saw a terrorist killed, Johansson said, “We saw it recently in Paris, unfortunately, we have seen it earlier as well.”

German official, Nancy Faeser, has strongly advised that the EU must watch out for threats from violent Islamist people.

Germany is on high alert for any potential attacks over the Christmas period and people have been arrested who are linked to terrorist groups.

Stephan Kramer, the head of German domestic intelligence in the region of Thuringia warned individuals who are sympathetic to Hamas pose a serious risk at major events.

Last month security sources warned that six terror suspects have entered the UK using small boats to cross the English Channel.

It is believed that they have travelled from Syria and are “planning to attack government” buildings across various sites in the United Kingdom.

MI6 operatives stationed near to Syria’s capital, Damascus uncovered details of a plot being supported by Iranian paymasters who have direct links to Islamist groups.

MI6 knew of the terrorist plot before the Iranian back militant group Hamas carried out their deadly attack in southern Israel on 7 October.

The articulate reported that an intelligence source said, “The information indicates that these ­people are terrorists planning to attack government buildings in England, Scotland and Wales.

“Although they arrived without identification, we believe all are now in possession of false documents.

“They strategize to commit an act which embarrasses the Government.

“This could mean damaging a building or even a close-proximity cyber attack, though we do not foresee this is a mass-casualty event.”

Former counter-terror police chief Chris Phillips said, “The Rwanda scheme will not fix this by itself but, by deterring migrants, it will allow the authorities more scope to keep an eye on who is landing.”

Former local government minister Lia Nici said, “While we allow illegal migrants to walk freely around the UK with no true knowledge of who they really are or the real reasons for them coming here, we are opening ourselves up to risks.

“While we allow non-democratic courts to overrule democratically made laws, we will never be able to safeguard our borders. Increasing numbers of European countries are realising what this means for security. It is time the Home Office did too.”

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