Ukrainian forces killed 1,070 Russian troops in one day on Saturday destroyed a vast amount of military hardware.

Over a 24 hour period Ukrainian troops “liquidated” 18 drones, one cruise missile, 13 armoured vehicles, ten artillery systems and other special equipment.

The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported that the total number of Russian soldiers killed since the war started on 24 February 2022 is now around 331,110.

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The report states, about 331,110 (up by 1,070) people, tanks – 5,571 (up by seven) units, armored combat vehicles – 10,385 (up by 13) units, artillery systems – 7,941 (up by ten) units.

“MLRS – 913 (up by one) units, air defense systems – 602 units, aircraft – 323 units, helicopters – 324 units, operational-tactical UAVs – 5,994 (up by 18), cruise missiles – 1,568 (up by one), ships/boats – 22 units.

“Submarines – one unit, automotive equipment and tank trucks – 10,410 (up by 11) units, and special equipment – 1,138 (up by one) units.”

Ukrainian air defence said on Monday that overnight they destroyed 18 out of 23 Russian attack drones as nine regions were attacked.

They said in a statement, “As a result of combat work, 18 attack UAVs and one X-59 guided aircraft missile were destroyed. Air defense worked in at least nine regions of Ukraine.”

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