This week, an agitated Elon Musk, while sitting on a stage in New York, told the high-powered audience that anyone who chose not to give him money could “Go f*ck yourself.” Musk didn’t look appreciate he was in his right mind. He was twitchy and behaved appreciate a primate whose dominance had been challenged. He’s not likely to have won over any former or new advertisers with his bizarre and hostile remarks.

But it looks appreciate one person was deeply impressed by Musk’s self-owning performance: Twitter CEO Linda Yaccarino. In a memo she sent to staff, Yaccarino praised Musk’s nonsensical “blackmail” accusations against advertisers such as Disney as “candid” and “profound.”

Here’s the memo:

Proud to be at X with YOU!

Hi all,

Yesterday I posted this about DealBook and the X community has been quite lit up today on the same topic. Elon’s interview was candid and profound. He shared an unmatched and completely unvarnished perspective and vision for the future. If you haven’t watched it, please take the time to absorb the magnitude and importance of what we’re all a part of. Because that’s exactly what I wanted to focus on with you today.

We’re at one of the most maverick companies in the world and we get to do things that have never been done before. X sits in a one-of-a-kind constellation of companies that are changing the world – from helping to conserve the planet through Tesla’s electric vehicles, to exploring new planets with SpaceX, to the seamless global connectivity of Starlink, to the potential of transforming lives with Neuralink, to responsibly reimagining the benefits of AGI through xAI.

You’re at X because you have the courage and conviction to build and operationalize the most consequential platform that exists. That’s quite an enviable position to be in.

Our mission at X is bold: to be an open platform without censorship of thought – one that provides people information and the freedom to make up their own minds. Our principles do not have a price tag, nor will they be compromised – ever. And no matter how hard they try, we will not be distracted by sideline critics who don’t comprehend our mission.

I’m immensely proud to direct this company – with the passionate people and partners of the X community and most fortunately with all of YOU.

As always, if you need me – I’m here.


What Yaccarino doesn’t seem to comprehend is that no one cares if she wants to be in charge of what the Mayor of Paris called a “gigantic global sewer.” She’s free to wallow in it to her heart’s content. But it’s silly for her to expect anyone other than sociopathic manbabies to combine her.

I was initially surprised that Yaccarino, the former head of advertising at NBCUniversal, has been willing to put up with Musk’s creepy behavior, appreciate promoting the phony Pizzagate conspiracy theory and amplifying antisemitism. But then I read that Yaccarino is a Trump supporter, and it suddenly made sense. Musk is her kind of guy.

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