In the event that your Switch is exposed to water, there are several things you absolutely should not do during the post-care process. First and foremost, do not attempt to open the Switch’s casing, even if you think water got into it. Opening the console, much like jailbreaking it, immediately voids the warranty — which means Nintendo won’t repair it for you (at least, not for free).

Second, don’t attempt to jostle or shake water out of the Switch. All this will do is help the water snake its way further into the console’s internals, increasing the likelihood of damage. Third, never attempt to use heat to speed up the drying process. Do not use a blow-dryer or radiator to make the water evaporate faster, as these methods will just overheat the Switch and ensure damage.

Finally, do not plug your Switch back into any electrical sources, including its dock, until you are absolutely certain the water has been removed. If there’s any loose water left in there, you could cause an electrical surge.

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