Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 was an international passenger flight that departed from Kuala Lumpur on March 8, 2014.

Less than an hour after it had left Kuala Lumpur en route to Beijing, air traffic control lost communication with the plane, and it disappeared over the South China Sea.

All 227 passengers, 12 crew members, and the airplane itself were never found (only small parts here and there, not fully recovered), but that doesn’t mean people haven’t formed theories about what might have happened.

Here are 15 internet ideas about what happened to Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 and its passengers.

#1. The Pilot Committed Suicide

Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

Arguably, the most popular theory is that the pilot committed suicide.

Some believe he cut off communication, depressurized the cabin, and flew in a direction similar to flight plans found on his simulation software, ending his life and the lives of everyone else on board.

#2. Aliens

Photo Credit: kunertus via Deposit Photos.

In any mysterious event, you will naturally find more outlandish theories than some of the more grounded takes most people give.

There are those out there who believe (or believe they saw evidence in the form of videos) that aliens were responsible for the disappearance of the plane, especially in the initial period after it was missing and no one found the wreckage.

#3. It Was an Unfortunate Accident

sad woman
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

One solid theory that could hold some weight is that it was an unfortunate accident.

Planes go down occasionally, and it may be true that MH370 just went down due to no fault of its own.

#4. A Cover-Up by the Malaysian Government

Photo Credit: mrsiraphol via Deposit Photos.

Government cover-ups abound in instances where many believe the government should know more than they do or should have found evidence.

The Malaysian government cover-up theory generally involves:

  • Someone on the airline the government wanted to disappear, so they shot down the plane.
  • There was something on the aircraft the government didn’t want the public to see.
  • All other kinds of motives under the sun.

#5. Faulty Navigation Instruments

Photo Credit: Violin via Deposit Photos.

While they wouldn’t explain the entire development, faulty navigation instruments could be a larger part of why MH370 crashed where it did.

With a lack of proper navigation, the pilot could have gotten them last, which resulted in the plane’s demise.

#6. Government or Manufacturer Defects

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The many plane issues airports have experienced in recent years give this theory some weight.

Some believe that either the Malaysian government or the plane’s manufacturer cheaped out on the production of the aircraft, creating defects that caused the plane to malfunction and crash.

#7. Wormholes and Portals

eye looking through key hole
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

Another wild idea that you’ll inevitably come across while you’re conducting research is wormholes or portals.

There’s this common theory that some planes travel through wormholes or portals, either to the past or another location on the planet, either returning or getting stuck there.

Did it happen to MH370?

Probably not.

#8. Government Interference

Photo Credit: pressmaster via Deposit Photos.

Government interference is a widespread theory that says one government had a hand in the crash or a cover-up, including the U.S. government.

Most of these involve the plane containing microchip technology that someone didn’t want falling into the wrong hands or trying to take themselves, resulting in the plane being shot down and the contents being taken away and hidden.

#9. Plane Hijacking

hacker with mask
Photo Credit: jukai5 via Deposit Photos.

Ever since 9/11, plane crash and disappearance have always been subject to the belief that there was a highjacking involved.

In this theory, it’s believed that the highjackers wanted to land somewhere safely but didn’t know how to control the plane or get to their destination, crashing it over the South China Sea.

#10. Flown to a Different Location

Photo Credit: olly18 via Deposit Photos.

Another hijacking and government interference theory is that the plane was flown somewhere else.

However, with this theory, it’s hard to know what would have happened to the passengers and crew after they landed, with takes varying from person to person who holds this theory.

#11. MH370 Was Flight MH17

Man thinking so annoying
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Around the same time as the MH370 flight disappearance, there was a crash in Ukraine that was associated with flight MH17.

There’s no reason to connect the two flights, but there are people out there who believe that MH17 was MH370, and that’s why it was never found.

#12. There Is a Bermuda Triangle in the South China Sea

Man shocked with hands on mouth
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Along the same vein of wormholes and portals and UFOs is the theory that the South China Sea is located in its own Bermuda Triangle.

Because the disappearances of ships and planes have happened in the Bermuda Triangle, it has led some to theorize that something similar must have happened to MH370.

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Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

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Photo Credit: HayDmitriy via Deposit Photos.

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This thread inspired this article.

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