When in low light situations, mostly when the always-on display was active, some Pixel 8 Pro owners have been noticing a pinkish tint to their displays. I have some good news if this was happening to you – your phone isn’t faulty and it’ll be fixed with an incoming update.

Folks started noticing the pinkish tint shortly after the Pixel 8 Pro launched and took to Google’s Issue Tracker to report it. They took to reddit as well, where several folks chimed in with similar issues. Some talked to Google Support to get their devices exchanged for fresh ones, but those too had the same pink tint display issue.

Google responded to the Issue Tracker post yesterday by suggesting it had been “Marked as fixed.” They elaborated by saying the “issue has been fixed and it will become available in a future Android release.” I’d imagine that the fix could show up in November’s Android update, although that seems like a quick turn-around with that expected shortly. There is always a chance that this may not be addressed until December’s update.

We’ll be sure to keep you updated on it. Let us know in those comments if you were seeing the pink tint. So far, I have not experienced this on my Pixel 8 Pro review unit or the version I bought for personal use.

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