Key Takeaways

  • To find out if someone has unfriended you on Snapchat, look for them on your friends list. Just tap your profile picture and select “My Friends.”
  • If they’re not on the list anymore, they have unfriended you, blocked you, or deleted their Snapchat account.

Ever wondered if someone has unfriended, unadded, or removed you on Snapchat? You won’t get a notification when it happens, but it’s easy to check for yourself in the Snapchat app. Just remember, you might not like what you find.

Check Your Friends List to See if They’re Still There

The quickest way to find out if you’ve been unfriended on Snapchat is to check your current friends list. If you can’t find the person you’re looking for—and you know you used to be friends with them on Snapchat—they have either unfriended you, blocked you, or deleted their own account.

To check that list, open the Snapchat app on your iPhone or Android device. In the top-left corner, tap your profile picture or Bitmoji.

The profile icon or Bitmoji in the top-left corner of Snapchat.

On your profile page, scroll down a bit and select “My Friends.”

The My Friends option in Snapchat.

On the “My Friends” page, you’ll see a list of all your current Snapchat friends. If someone isn’t on this list and you know you used to be Snapchat friends, it means they’ve unfriended you, blocked you, or deleted their Snapchat account.

A list of friends from the My Friends page in Snapchat.

Now try searching for that person to add them as a new Snapchat friend. If they show up for you to add them again, that means they’ve unfriended you. If you can’t find them anymore, it means they’ve blocked you on Snapchat or deleted their Snapchat account.


Does Snapchat notify you when you get unfriended?

No, Snapchat doesn’t notify when someone unfriends you. However, you can find out who has removed you by checking to see if they’re still in your friends list.

Can you re-add a Snapchat friend who removed you?

Yes, you can add someone back as a friend even if they’ve unfriended you. You can do that by opening Snapchat, tapping the “Add Friends” option, finding the person you want to add, and hitting “Add” next to their username.

What’s the difference between unfriending and blocking someone on Snapchat?

When someone unfriends you on Snapchat, you can still see their profile and even add them as a friend again. However, when someone blocks you on Snapchat, you can’t see their profile anymore, nor can you add them as a friend. They’re basically non-existent for you on the platform. Similarly, if you block someone else on Snapchat, you’ll disappear for them.

Why did someone disappear from my Snapchat friends list?

People will disappear from your Snapchat friends list for one of three reasons: they unfriended you, they blocked you, or they deleted their own Snapchat account.

What does an X mean next to a Snapchat friend?

An “X” next to a person’s name in Snapchat can have different meanings. In some cases, it appears because you have yet to accept or decline that person’s friend request. Other times, you can tap “X” to dismiss a friend suggestion in the “Quick Add” section.

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