California’s DMV is banning GM’s Cruise self-driving cars from its roads. Cities with AI-driven cars have had nothing but trouble, yet the experiment has continued expanding. This is not a move against the technology, however, but apparently, with GM’s inability to play by the rules and fully disclose how unsafe the vehicles are.


California’s Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) said it suspended Cruise’s autonomous vehicle deployment and driverless testing permit, ending efforts by the company for the time being to test the cars without safety drivers.

“Based upon the performance of the vehicles, the department determines the manufacturer’s vehicles are not safe for the public’s operation,” the DMV said in a statement, citing “an unreasonable risk to public safety.”

The DMV added that Cruise had “misrepresented any information related to safety of the autonomous technology of its vehicles.” The state agency said Cruise is allowed to challenge the suspension within five days. The company did not say if it planned to do that.

The DMV order said Cruise had not initially disclosed all video footage of the accident and said “Cruise’s vehicles may lack the ability to respond in a safe and appropriate manner during incidents involving a pedestrian.”

Cruise could not immediately be reached to comment on DMV report the company had not initially shared all videos of the incident.

I remain convinced that fleets of self-driving EV cars will replace general car ownership. Just getting back all the space we waste parking cars would change society. Between GM and Tesla, we’ll be waiting for the ethical models for a while.

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