Innovation, Science, and Economic Development Canada will begin to auction spectrum from the 3800MHz band on Tuesday.

22 companies have qualified to participate, including the big three and regional players. They’ll bid on 4,300 licences across 172 service areas covering Canada. Each service area has 250MHz of available spectrum. Each license will have a 20-year term.

In a technical briefing with the media on Monday, the department said it will enact its “use-it-or-lose-it” deployment requirements.

The total for all opening bids is north of $1.1 billion.

The 3800MHz spectrum is repurposed from legacy satellite operations and fixed wireless services, which the government states will help spread 5G services and rural connectivity.

The last spectrum auction took place in 2021 and involved the 3500MHz band. Licensees can re-use the same equipment with spectrum in the 3800MHz band.

There is no specified date to when the auction will end, and it will go until the bidding process is complete, government officials have said.

Image credit: Shutterstock

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