A woman who boarded a flight on Southwest Airlines going from Colorado to California was allegedly kicked off for simply comforting her new puppy before takeoff.

She had been told to zip up the puppy’s carrier and to place it under her seat, which she did, according to bystander Sara Price, who posted several videos about the incident on her TikTok. But when the puppy softly whined, the woman bent down and placed her hand against the mesh to comfort the baby dog. And for some reason this displeased a flight attendant, who then escorted her off the plane (see video below, posted by Price).

“You are rude, you’re a mean person, and I would never fly on Southwest again,” the woman said as she took her suitcase out of the overhead bin.

Price’s husband, who, like Price, didn’t know the woman but had been sitting next to her, could be heard saying, “We wish you the best of luck, honey. This is ridiculous.” And Price could be heard saying, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry that happened.”

“It’s not like you even had the dog out,” the husband added. “You should be ashamed of yourself,” he said calmly as the flight attendant walked by.

Welp, the flight attendant didn’t act like he heard a thing, but apparently he did — Price and her husband ended up getting kicked off the plane as well, for their “attitude.”

From The Independent:

All three passengers managed to get to California on a later flight with United Airlines, which Ms Price described as “fantastic”….

The reaction to the videos on TikTok was overwhelmingly supportive of the puppy’s owner.

“So sad this happened to that poor lady. I hope Southwest makes a statement and apologises and compensates,” wrote one user, while another said: “This is disgusting.”

Someone else described their previous experience: “This happened to us in Nantucket [because] of exact same reason, dog was inside his carrier entire time and stewardess had police meet us at arrival.”

Many were shocked by the incident as they’d never had a problem travelling with animals, with one viewer commenting: “I flew my bulldog puppy from Dallas to PA. They had me take her out and she was carried around by flight attendants.”

The Independent contacted Southwest for comment but Southwest had apparently not responded by the time the article was posted.


Met this lady in the boarding line today @Southwest Airlines She flew out to Colorado Springs to pick up her new little puppy and fly her back home to CA. The puppy was whining a little and the flight attendant boarding everyone walked up to her and said, if your dogs doesn’t be quiet, you may not be able to fly. She sticks her hand in the soft carrier and pets the puppy. It stopped whining. We board the plane and she has the carrier in her lap still petting the puppy when the same flight attendant came up and said the carrier needed to be zipped completely and put under the seat. Everyone around us was like, what’s going on here!? Another flight attendant, dressed as a cat comes up and says “are we going to have a problem here!?” The lady does as she is told and we start to taxi to the runway. The dog gave a very soft whine, so she leaned over and started petting it from the outside of the carrier but right at mesh. All the attendants got in a group at the front of the plane and decided we needed to return to the gate and that she should be removed from the flight. #southwestairlines #southwest #southwestair

♬ original sound – Sara Price

Front page thumbnail image: nadisja / shutterstock.com

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