In February, Netflix announced that if you’re using someone else’s account who doesn’t share your IP address, you’ll get locked out unless you pay an additional $7.99/month.

However, after eight months, I’m still mooching off my parents’ Netflix account.

The MobileSyrup team has encountered reports of people getting locked out of shared Netflix accounts, including my own roommate, but the crackdown doesn’t seem widespread.

With this in mind, here’s this week’s question: If you’re currently using someone else’s Netflix account, have you been locked out yet?

This poll is solely for those living in Canada, where Netflix’s new policy launched on February 21st (the crackdown rolled out in the U.S. in May). It’s worth noting in March, we noted that 46 percent of MobileSyrup readers that are also Netflix users haven’t been kicked off their friend’s or family member’s Netflix account.

But let’s check in again to see if this has changed:

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