You can get Internal IP (LAN IP), External IP (Internet IP or WAN IP), Net usage, Signal strength, Connection type (wired/wireless), upload progress bar, download progress bar, current network peak speed, upload graph, download graph, uploading speed, downloading speed, peak speed, uploaded quantity, downloaded quantity at one place.

This file contains a downloader which offers an additional toolbar. This toolbar is not neccesary for the program to function correctly so if you are not interested uncheck the boxes during installation.

Each time you need not open your internet settings to see IP address. Just put one look at this gadget. You can quickly say Internet connection is exist or not. If external IP disappears you can understand that there is a problem in your internet. If you unable to see internal IP problem is with your LAN connection. Graph types and colors can be adjustable. Lot of things can be done with the options available with this Network Monitor gadget.


  • Display both internal and external IP address of your computer.
  • Display download speed, upload speed and net usage.
  • Display total downloaded/uploaded bytes, and downloaded/uploaded bytes of current session.
  • Support both wired network and wireless network.
  • Customize the text color of each element on the user interface.
  • Auto update if internal/external IP changed.
  • Save traffic counters to external file.
  • Plus many more.


  • Gadget end
  • Sidebar end
  • Delete folder gadget
  • Sidebar start
  • New version install

Special features:

  • Click on GW/Int.IP (in a right side) for switch show between Gateway and Internal IP
  • When you have more than one Internal IP click on Int.IP (in a right left) for switching between Internal IPs. If it is happens if cursor changed to pointer when you move it above this string.
  • Click on Info for show additional information into flyout window, click again – close flyout window
  • Move mouse over country flag for show additional information.
  • Click on connection identification icon ( or/and ) for switch between connection type
  • Move mouse over “Current” or “Total” for view summary traffic
  • Click on refresh icon for refresh gadget
  • In flyout window click on every element for copy corresponding element into clipboard
  • Double click on background will show Network And Sharing Center

What’s New

  • Overhauled and decreased HTML.

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