T-Mobile’s leaked plans of a forced migration made national news, likely because the forced plan changes included rate increases. In times such as these, when many are looking to save as much money as possible, the idea of a large (and very profitable) company taking more money was enough to get people interested. The thing is, T-Mobile’s CEO thinks the negative reaction was based on a lack of context.

In an email sent internally and subsequently leaked, and not in a public statement as it probably should be to help clear up any existing confusion, T-Mobile’s Mike Sievert claims the leaked plan was only part of a “small test.” According to him, tests such as these help shape future programs, offers, and promotions.

“The test hasn’t even launched,” Sievert wrote in the email, explaining to employees that, “When it does, we would reach out to a small subset of customers who are on older rate plans (some up to a decade old) to let them know they have the opportunity to move from their existing plans to newer better plans that will offer more features and more value relative to what they currently have.”

I’ll remind you, nowhere in the previously leaked information did it say anything about these changes being a “test.” All it said was that the carrier was going to perform a rate plan migration of a small portion of consumer and business accounts to newer rate plans. Black and white.

Solid test, T-Mobile.

// The Mobile Report

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