Just a day before her trial was about to begin, Trump lawyer Sidney Powell has pleaded guilty to six counts of election interference in her attempt to overthrow the election and install Donald Trump as an illegitimate President.

ABC News reports that she will receive 12 months of probation for each count and a $6,000 fine.

As part of the deal she will also have to testify against Trump and others charged in the conspiracy:

As part of the agreement, Powell must “testify truthfully about any codefendants” involved in the case and “provide all documents to the district attorney’s office” relevant to their case against the other co-defendants, according to Judge Scott McAfee.

This is a big deal, and does not bode well for Kandy Korn Kolored Kaligula, say experts. From USA Today:

Legal experts said Powell’s agreement to testify against others in the case is “very significant” because she dealt at length with Trump, lawyer Rudy Giuliani and others charged in the conspiracy.

“I think it’s very significant because she is one of the people who was closest to Trump in many of these alleged nefarious activities, and as part of the agreement, she must testify truthfully against Trump as well as the other defendants,’ said John Banzhaf, a George Washington University law professor who has been following the case closely. “So it is a major victory for Fani Willis and certainly a major concern for Trump.”

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