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Calgary city councillors could soon be able to claim more for hosting expenses when travelling on city business, after voting Wednesday to review the $100 daily limit.

Ward 10 Coun. Andre Chabot put forward the motion, stating that council’s hosting per diem — a provision of their budgets and expenses bylaw — hasn’t been updated in more than 20 years.

“I think things have changed a bit since 2003,” he said. “Meals for $100 is extremely limiting and I think it’s something that should be revisited, not only for members of council but possibly members of administration as well.

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“It’s an outdated bylaw that needs to be brought into the current economic reality we are in.”

The bylaw was overhauled in 2021, in response to an expenses scandal involving former Ward 2 councillor Joe Magliocca.

Under the bylaw, eligible hosting expenses include sit-down meals and appetizers, takeaway meals, and refreshments, either alone or in combination with other types of hosting. It doesn’t permit councillors to claim alcohol, cannabis or tobacco-related expenses.

Last week, executive committee members voted 5-3 to approve a request from Chabot and Ward 13 Coun. Dan McLean to be reimbursed $346.18 for a group meal they had expensed during a trip to the Carnaval du Quebec in February.

McLean said last week that splitting the approximately $1,700 restaurant bill was intended as a nice gesture for the 30 delegates from Calgary who had otherwise paid their own way to attend the festival.

The two councillors each claimed the $846.18 as a hosting expense. The chief financial officer’s delegate approved the maximum $500 each for Chabot and McLean, because the trip to Quebec lasted five days, but rejected the supplemental $346.18 per councillor.

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