If anyone is into digging into a bit of a mystery, we’ve got that for you today. A new Google device cruised through the FCC this morning and there is much to go on, although we have some vague ideas.

The Google device stopped through the FCC as a “wireless device” and a model number of GJQ8U. When put through testing, Google told the FCC that its label would be “etched on the back” of the unit, rather than found through software or by looking at a display.

When further tested, the FCC looked at 2.4GHz WiFi and Bluetooth LE. They also tested 60GHz radar in the device, which is something we’ve seen before. Google has included 60GHz radar in devices like their newest Nest Thermostat (from 2020) and the Nest Hub that could track your sleep. Since this device does not talk about having a display, I’d lean away from it being a Hub.

What does the radar do? If it’s implemented like it was in the 2020 Nest Thermostat, then it’s really just used to notice when you are near. It’s a motion sensing tech, essentially, to know that you are close and might want to know the current temperature or to adjust something.

And that’s it for this mystery. There is an FCC link below for those curious. If you find out that this is instead a pair of smart glasses from Google with radar capabilities, let us know.

// FCC

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