difference the size of the grand canyon

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It’s a universal law – what you focus on becomes your reality. When you focus on what’s right, you will see good everywhere. When you focus on what’s wrong, you will see injustice everywhere.

There is a difference the size of the Grand Canyon, in the way in which rich people and poor people focus. Your focus in life, creates your life:

  • Rich People focus on abundance, Poor People focus on scarcity.
  • Rich People focus on opportunities, Poor People focus on obstacles.
  • Rich People focus on solutions, Poor People focus on problems.
  • Rich People focus on their strengths, Poor People focus on their weaknesses.
  • Rich People focus on taking risk, Poor People focus on avoiding risk.
  • Rich People focus on individual responsibility, Poor People focus on blaming others.
  • Rich People focus on positivity, Poor People focus on negativity.
  • Rich People focus on doing more, Poor People focus on doing the bare minimum.
  • Rich People focus on meeting their wants, Poor People focus on meeting their needs.
  • Rich People focus on taking action in the pursuit of wealth. Poor People focus on playing the lottery.
  • Rich People focus on providing value to others. Poor People focus on getting something of value from others.

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