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Yet another grandiose plan by City Hall to waste taxpayers’ money.

This time it’s building a $15-million ice rink to replace the rink at Charles Clark Square. The original cost for this new rink was $4 million dollars, but the price has nearly quadrupled.

Charles Clark Square ice rink’s December opening was delayed because of warm weather in 2015. The rink also closed due to unseasonably warm temperatures in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020. It would have been closed due to high temperatures in 2021 if not already shut down due to the pandemic.

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The rink at Lanspeary Park has also closed early due to warm weather, including in 2023 and 2024.

Due to global warming, it’s clear as the non-existent ice that our winters have drastically changed.

We can’t fix the weather for $15 million in order to skate outdoors for three months. But $15 million could do a lot of good in this community on things that are vitally necessary, like fixing the roads; adding safe bike lanes that don’t abruptly disappear; addressing the housing and homelessness crisis, especially downtown with its dozens of empty lots that could have infill housing; investing more into the arts (Windsor spends the least per capita of any Canadian city).

The ice rink plan was on city council’s June 10 agenda and I wrote, imploring that it not be approved. Unfortunately, as we have seen time and time again, City Hall’s agenda is often directed in ways that defy comprehension.

Elaine Weeks

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