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Once again Mayor Gondek thinks she has the answers for the questions being asked of city waterworks about the pipe failure. Gondek, let the experts answer the questions they have experience in and stop sharing your political mumbo jumbo. Quit trying to control every situation when you know nothing about what you are talking about. Calgarians deserve honest and forthright answers as to why the pipe failed and why we have had to wait so long for normal water operations, not ‘answers will be forthcoming.’

Bruce Haynes

(Have the mayor share the spotlight? Nah.)

Too many coming

I see that our inept PM is giving his home province of Quebec $750 million to help with their immigration problems. Now I realise that no one in politics or the media like to comment on Canada’s out of control immigration system but Trudeau allows a half million people into Canada EVERY YEAR! This is ten times what we can handle. This explains housing shortages, stress on medical and educational services, social systems and more. It’s obvious what the problem is. The people know.

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  1. Munson

(If the people know what the problem is, hopefully they don’t forget when they go to vote.)

For the common good

Re: Letter to Editor June 12-Why Deceive Us?

Does the letter writer think that because there is a separate water feeder line to their area there is a separate reservoir for them? Everyone in the city needs to help conserve water now, and in the future, regardless of where they live.

Michael G. Ostopowich

(Conserving water on a day-to-day basis is very different than what we are being asked to do right now.)

Ripple effect

My wife and I live off our pensions so Capital Gains was not an issue for us.  What is an issue is that the liberals are imposing another tax that will eventually affect us all. We know that this additional tax will impact doctors, dentists and chiropractic clinics but I underestimated the effect of generational farmers. Where the family farms are passed onto the next generation. Now we hear the tax will affect commercial fishing families coast to coast. This is where families pass on expensive fishing vessels and operations to upcoming generations. What a mess the liberals have made. This is what happens when a bill is enacted for only political reasons. This has not been well thought-out. The only aim was to corner the Conservatives. That failed. Trudeau’s desperation has now caused desperation for so many upcoming generations and entrepreneurs’. We pensioners will be affected in some way.  

Tom Burns 

(‘Didn’t think it through’ could be the Liberals’ slogan.)

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