All of this may not seem cruel to parents but look at it from the kid’s point of view

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The cruelty meted out to transgender kids by a phalanx of adults who should know better is simply unacceptable and downright cruel.

The wave of right-wing social conservatism and its attendant vitriol promoted by the Republican party in the U.S. is not completely to blame. However, The New York Times reports: “Of 28 states where Republicans control the legislature, 24 now prohibit or restrict medical professionals from providing hormone therapy for gender transition to minors; 24 bar transgender students from participating in sports that do not align with their gender identity; and 12 bar students from using school bathrooms that do not match their sex assigned at birth.”

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There has always been social conservatism here in Canada, particularly in Alberta. Where are these people? Mostly in rural counties and a considerable number in central Alberta where, anecdotally, the loudest voices seem to be coming from women. Why?

Surely, in 2024, it can’t be that these women are following a husband’s orders to do so.

One would think not, so I telephoned Mark in central Alberta who has a son who’s a drag queen and he said the idea that the middle of this province is solidly socially conservative isn’t true. But he and his “liberal” cohort are drowned out by louder, more aggressive, nasty voices who seemingly oppose anything that smacks of liberalism.

Mark is not his real name and, because of the viciousness of social media, I honour his request not to identify him.

The prevailing attitude seems to be one of who cares if kids are struggling with who they are and what they should be. This is concerning as these youth have been identified as five times more likely to attempt suicide. Does this not matter?

The voices of reason and acceptance of differences (nobody “chooses” gender dysphoria) are drowned out. “We’re quiet, we’re silent,” says Mark. But even he is surprised at the numbers insisting they be told if their child wants to change their pronoun or be called by a different name. ”What are they afraid of?” Mark asks.

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We’re in the middle of a Pride celebration this month, and in a radio interview I heard the voice of an older person relieved to finally be who he/she really is. Their advice for younger people? “You’ll be so much happier,” by accepting your real self.

That struck a chord with me, knowing exactly what was meant. I watched the transformation of a withdrawn child who came to the realization she had been born the wrong gender and changed. The transformation was astounding; he is now comfortable in his skin and much happier. His family immediately accepted the change and life goes on without rancour or dismissiveness.

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I would have thought that by now, sex education in schools, including the fact there are differences, would be a matter of course. In 1957, when I became a teenager, sex education was non-existent. The idea that some of the kids I went to school with were gay, lesbian or trans never crossed my mind. Surely, though, they existed, hidden from sight and likely miserable.

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Which brings us to the untoward cruelty being meted out to transgender kids by old fogeys, politicians and parents. Sometimes these are the same person.

All of this may not seem cruel to parents but look at it from the kid’s point of view. Parents will have to “opt-in” their children every time a teacher wants to talk about gender identity, sexual orientation or sexuality. Alberta law requires parental notification and has the option to opt-out students. All third-party teaching materials on gender identity, sexual orientation or sexuality will need to be approved by the province.

A Canadian Paediatric Society position issued last year advocates for an affirming approach to caring for transgender and gender-diverse youth. “Gender identity, a critical facet of a young person’s sense of self, first emerges in early childhood and evolves over the child and adolescent life course. Recent studies suggest that an increasing number of youth identify with a gender other than the sex assigned to them at birth, and demand and need for gender-related care within the pediatric health-care system is growing.”

So say the real experts; so say the children.

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